Saturday, April 4, 2009

Balancing Life...

I consider myself a fairly well-rounded individual with a good head on my shoulders. Lately I have been feeling a bit out of the loop though. In high school I was always out with friends doing things I hope to god my kids never do! I had a blast in high school! I also met my best friend. Unfortunately I cannot say that I am still close with her. She went off to school in a different state and we rarely speak, and when I say speak I mean a quick facebook message. Needless to say, we had some crazy times..... The times I will remember for the rest of my life. Songs still come on the radio that remind me of some crazy night with her. Whether we were out with friends or staying in watching shark week drinking tea we were always laughing and having the best time. 

I can guarantee that a number of my friends, if asked, would say that their favorite time in their life would be their four years at college. I also enjoyed college very much, but I never found those special people. I joined a sorority my freshman year and loved every minute of it. There was always something going on and the girls were all amazing in their own ways. There always seems to be that one girl that just ruins it though. She was the girl that everyone wished was not there but had to pretend to like because she was entertaining and funny...the life of the party. By college I was sick of all the drinking and partying. I had been there and done that, but a number of my friends had not. They were overwhelmed by the craziness and did not know their own tolerance levels. I would go out to protect them and make sure everyone made it home okay. My sophomore and junior year were the best. We went out and had fun. By this point people knew how much was too much. Unfortunately by my senior year I was over it. I no longer cared to participate in sorority functions. It was constant drama and I was over it. I have been spending every waking minute with my boyfriend this year. It has been great, but of course I miss my girl time. I do not miss college life though. I want my high school best friend back. What do you do when you realize you made a wrong choice? 

I was hosting this past week and a table randomly asked me if I could go back and change one thing in my life what would it be? I knew hands down that I would have gone away for college and kept in touch with my best friend. 

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